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tv   Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream  FOX News  November 2, 2020 12:00am-1:00am PST

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promised to fight for, the president, he was going to make sure they were in fact noticed. that's all the time we had night. the fox news at night team will take it all from here. president trump crisscrossing battleground states in a final push, ten events on saturday and sunday from snowy michigan to florida and iowa, north carolina and georgia in between. moments from now just outside miami despite the covid-19 covid there. there will be another five rallies tomorrow. biden is focusing on the rust belt and he'll go back to cleveland and pennsylvania tomorrow.
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hello and welcome to fox news at night. i'm in new york tonight. let's go straight to the airport awaiting the president's arrival for his last rally of the day. >> shannon this is allie number five for president trump. we expect him here sometime between 1130 and midnight. it's a packed house here at the airport. people are shoulder to shoulder. it's been over 90 degrees most of the day. most of the people were actually out here at 6:00 a.m. waiting 18 hours to get in. we spoke with some of the people in line about why they supported the president. >> for the past 47 years that i've been on planet earth, joe biden has been in office and done nothing for the african american community. that concerns me. donald trump said what he was going to do and he did it. >> we made a statement that were going to be building and supporting the president. >> as far as early voting goes, there is some concern about democratic officials
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here in miami-dade county that there underperforming. the amount of registered democrats that voted early is about 8% lower than republican. at the heavily democratic county. the democrats are really going to need to run out a big margin here if they're going to carry florida. along with its 29 electoral votes. more than 8 million people have voted early. that's about 60% of all registered voters. there is tremendous enthusiasm for early voting across the state stretched. because florida begins processing votes three weeks before election day we could see results from florida on election night. shannon, back to you. bit of a party there as they're waiting for the president. we will take you there when the president arrives. will be in the final hours of campaigning in pennsylvania, the candidate hosting a pair of events in pennsylvania.
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the whole ticket, spouses included will be in the keystone state tomorrow. reporting live from wilmington delaware, hi jackie. >> good evening shannon. we get the party, the windstorm, but that is in fact not the story. biden's campaign is tickling optimism. they praised philadelphia for its highest share of registered voters in 35 years, but behind closed doors, democrats are reportedly anxious, startled by lower-than-expected early turnout among black voters in miami and lower early turnout overall compared to other rest felt battlegrounds like wisconsin and michigan. they came down to stop their support. biden also appealed to union workers. his promise to address systemic racism, create economic opportunity, and
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attack the virus that's disproportionately impacting black people following the concerted effort to undercut black support. biden connecting them to mass incarceration to the 1994 crime bill and send yesterday in the philadelphia suburb biden betrayed african-americans at every turn. biden appealed for a late surge at the pole. >> in two days you can put in and to the presidency that fanned the flames of hate towarpoured gasoline on every opportunity he had all across this nation. there still a lot of pennsylvanians who haven't voted yet. in the state he won by less than 44000 votes. he also warned what can happen if the results are close. there counting absentee balance before election day. they opted to count the day after the election because of staffing concerns. biden is learning a possible trouble if late arriving ballots get rejected. >> every day is a new reminder
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of how high the stakes are, of how far the other side will go to try to suppress a turnout, especially here in philadelphia. president trump is terrified of what will happen in pennsylvani pennsylvania. today the pennsylvania secretary of state said there may be ten times as many absentee ballots as in 2016, and biden's push for people to get to the pole to vote in person or bring the ballot in hand has to be postmarked by november 3. shannon. >> okay, jackie you are cheaper there and the weather tonight. sometimes these assignments are better than others but were glad to have you. the president is zeroing in on his home state. a hectic day of five rallies in five states before five more rallies in four states tomorrow. let's bring in the panel to talk about which of those swing states. democratic strategists and real clear politics.
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[inaudible] good to have all be with us tonight. >> hi shannon, good evening. >> on a start with you because were all about the polls right now. how can they be so wildly different in a single state. nationwide we know there could be a lot of room for error, but when we look at these state-by-state, how can two or three or five different polling entities see estate so differently? >> it's about the pollsters and the assumptions are going to make on what the electri electorate looks like. they're using a combination of those who have voted and passed elections in trying to make educated guesses about what they're going to look like when it's all said and done. were having record turnout across the country and in all these battleground states, bringing in new voters. it's a complicated mix of what's going on. you still have two different theories, certain pollsters that see the selection as sort of the biden landslide, he's way out double digits in
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places like wisconsin, michigan, but you've also got others who are seeing a much, much closer in the rust belt states and other battleground states. we will find out who's right when all votes have been cast and counted. but overall we have six battleground states that, i think this will be very, very close. >> let's talk about florida as we await the president's arrival. i want to give you a little bit of sound from some key democrats including one on the ticket about how critical that state is. >> i do believe the path to victory runs through florida. if joe biden and kamala harris when florida and we would expect we win it early in the night, bennett is over for president trump. we are excited about what we are seeing on the ground, but understand me clearly we are taking absolutely nothing for granted. kevin, the numbers have tightened there in the sunshine state. are you nervous tonight?
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>> i'm a democrat as we talked about, i'm always nervous until those final votes are counted in states like porta but i certainly agree with the congresswoman on her assessment of how critical florida will be. we know from 2000 just how critical florida was. and, looking back at 2016, when florida was turned to president trump and then candidate trump came about was the first nail in the coffin for them and secretary clinton. that was a wake-up call that it wasn't heading the way without was going to be. if florida is called early, either way, i think it's an indication of where this knight is headed for sure. >> another one of those states where these candidates are spending a ton of time is pennsylvania. it's also on the eastern coast. it will be one of the first states that closes out. how closely will you be watching pennsylvania, and how critical is it to getting a win. it's one of those states were
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either side has to have it keep moving. >> it's very critical but the thing about pennsylvania that we may not know on election night because they won't start counting votes until election day. there's a lot of mail and votes in the supreme court, a huge fight about some of these ballots that come in. florida will be the canary in the coal mine because they've already started counting the absentee ballot. they count really quickly. if donald trump will loses florida and he probably loses the election. if he wins by three points by a significant margin then he'll probably win. if it's a one-point win that will probably be litigating this for months. there's two times time zones there.
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they don't close so it takes us longer to find out what's going on. i want to play something has were talked about how important it is. the former vice president said in philly emily got some attention. it's coming. it is coming. this is one of those things when you're in pennsylvania and you're trying to say i want you to come of the scranton guy, this is something you don't want to do. >> i know philadelphia well. i married a philly girl, by the way. by the way i got my eagles jacket on. >> wearing the university of delaware blue hands moment. it's a funny moment. any of us can do it but is
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that the kind of thing that voters, doesn't change any minds or sway anyone, he sank he's telling us he's one of us and he doesn't even know what jacket he has on. >> it's not as bad as john carey referring to lambert field but pennsylvania is a tipping ground state. whoever wins pennsylvania is probably going to win this election. that's why both campaigns are fighting so hard for it. the path to victory is simple. he has to have massive rural turnout, keep the bleeding to a minimum in the suburbs and to the extent that he can win minority voters and also latinos, don't forget about latinos in the state of pennsylvania. he will be able to pull that out but right now they suggest he's got a lot of work to do. >> well, he's gonna be there, the former vice president will be there, it will be in the spotlight. panel, stick around for us. again you're watching just outside the miami area where
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the president is going to land in just a little bit for his fifth rally of the day. we will take you there and let you know what's going on. nice warm weather down there. we will make sure you hear from the president when he gets there. the 78 electoral votes from california will most likely go to joe biden. we talked about swing states like pennsylvania where swart trimmed certain counties have swung right will talk about it all. >> let's talk about this. there's been reference to this is were awaiting the president's arrival in florida. the headline is we have to stop the bleeding. democrats on the online in miam miami. it says democrats are sounding the alarm about weak voter turnout. the biggest county miami-dade, democrats are turning out at
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lower rates than republicans and that lower rates on this point in 2016 when hillary clinton for 29 percentage points here in miami-dade and still lost the state donald trump. what is on your mind. what are your worries, what are your concerns or are you feeling confident about a big win. >> it will be a big win but i am confident about win. i think the people of america have really become tired with president trump, particularly with coronavirus business in which the president simply ignores it. right there on your screen it sounds with his big rally despite, yes, it does say something about a curfew so people looking at that, and they're going people are dying in my neighborhood. were not able to go back to work or even go to school and the person simply ignoring that, it's a big problem for us in every family. biden is into and with that, and beyond that the economy is
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not going to be dealt with until the viruses crushed, despite whatever they want to say, the only corner we are rounding is one into a major major outbreak of this pandemic across the nation. >> and the public knows that. >> how do you answer those who will say look at the third quarter gdp. it is bouncing back. there's a number people who are worried when they hear the former vice president say that he would lock down the economy again or at least strongly consider it. a lot of these folks say the kids that are back in school, we don't see a massive spread. we see that it seems to be working fine in most places, that we have to take protective steps to protect those were most formidable that's exactly why you have to get the virus under control, why you have to crush it. with regard to the gdp growth in the third quarter.
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>> that's good news for all the people able to go back to work, however, we do know this and not as the president has no plan to crush the virus. biden has laid it out very clearly. >> we hear that but let's talk about it. we've been blessed enough to come up with ventilators that were now sending to other countries. there's a number of things that have happened. whereat operation warp speed whwhere we may have a vaccine. there's no plan, there's nothing this president has done. just not accurate. >> accurate or not, take a look at the statistics. were pushing a quarter million people dying with over 9 million people and it is increasing.
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that's where we are today. the economy is extremely important but it cannot open until this virus is under control. take a look at what's going on in europe right now. they opened up. they had it under control, and now britain, the united kingdom is closing things back down again. that's the up and down way that this has been managed by the current administration. what we need to do is to put all of our efforts into the issues, some of which he talked about, the vaccine, yes we will have a vaccine coming sometime in the next couple months it will be at least another half year or longer before it will be readily available to a large majority of the american population and beyond the around the world. people are not wearing masks. look at that rally. >> and there's a curfew.
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i'm wondering if they will show up and arrest all of them. the reality is there's a real difference between the two campaigns without paying attention to it. beyond that, we do know we need to really move the economy and biden has laid out very clear platform to do that with a very significant infrastructure, and an energy program. >> and we can't get kids back to school and people can't go back to work it's really tough to manage priorities. congressman we always appreciate your time. thank you for being with us tonight and we will continue to watch and wait for the president there in florida. we will take you there live as that happens. as the votes come in on tuesday you will hear a lot about the difference between voting by mail and casting votes on election day. it appears the early voting will heavily favored democratic nominee joe biden while the lion share of what's cast on election day is likely to tilt toward president donald trump. further completing measures is that the states all processes differently.
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north carolina will go through the early vote first well ohio will report the election day vote. it could get wildly different scenarios and pictures of who's ahead in the early going if it's close expect both sides to dispute the results. >> the other way in my opinion for joe biden not to be successful is for voter suppression to be successful. >> you will have one or two were three states depending on how it ends up where they are tabulating ballots and the rest of the world is waiting to find out, and i think there's great danger to it and i think a lot of fraud and misuse can take place. >> polls close at 7:00 p.m. eastern it's a must win state for the president and could provide a clue into which way things are going. some big senate races there. ohio polls close at 730
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eastern. he won there by eight points in 2016. that could be an indicator of which way the rust belt in the upper midwest are heading. will close in texas at 9:00 p.m. eastern. some posters see the lone star state as a potential tossup. if he wins texas he likely wins the white house. the balance of power is also at stake. of the 35 seats in play up for election 12 are held by democrats, 23 by republicans. let's look at a couple. judiciary chairman lindsey graham facing a tough reelection battle in south carolina. keep an eye on that tuesday night. republicans are hoping to take back the alabama senate sea seat held by doug jones. if they don't gop chances for holding the senate substantially decline. on the other hand, if senator susan collins can hang onto her seat in maine come about greatly increases the odds that republicans hold onto the senate. iraq war veteran james hoping for a pickup in michigan.
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we will be checking every bit of it.t.t.t.t.
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we are awaiting the final rally of the day. it will be late. president tom. he set to arrive any moment now. will take you to that rally live when it happens. he has spent considerable time in pennsylvania. both have their site sent on the 20 electoral votes. there in harrisburg tonight taking a closer look at what the campaigns are doing. shannon the pittsburgh post- editorial board in dolorous president trump commenting on
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how democratic voters have shift to the republican party in an area that used to be a democratic stronghold. the reason, economy, energy and fracking. >> to be brutally honest i'm voting for trump because i think he will do less harm. i'm not buying into what they want to do right now. >> i don't think biden is the perfect candidate, but i think he has committed to making some of the changes that we need as a country. >> meanwhile by law, all 67 counties can't begin processing their mail-in ballots until election day at 7:00 a.m. but now seven counties say they will not begin counting their mail-in ballots until the morning after election day. one of those is beaver county. we want to make sure the individuals that are processing these private ballots to make sure we see secure it the right way. >> the only have ten employees
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that will count mail-in ballots in the be busy on election day within person voting. the secretary of state says the overwhelming majority of the 3 million mail-in ballots in pennsylvania will be counted by friday. >> brian, thank you so much. arizona has been a steady red state dating back to the 1950s. this year looks very much like a tossup which is why both campaigns are flooding the grand canyon state in the run-up to the election day. alecia is in phoenix tonight with the very latest. good evening. >> good evening shannon. with less than 48 hours to go campaign surrogates are here in arizona urgently fighting for those 11 electoral votes. donald trump junior was the human arizona. >> will be going after every vote, not taking anything for
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granted. the latino community will play a vital role. were urging everyone to come out and vote. bloomberg news reports the biden campaign is concerned latino turnout is legging in arizona. they've clawed back within one point to percent of biden in the once reliably red state. 2.3million ballots have been returned. today voters continue to drop off their ballots at drive-through locations and some in person precincts. we talk to voters on each side about who they're voting for. >> what more can he do. he's not going to be a perfect president. i feel like he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. i realize a lot of things he's doing are outwardly racist and
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sexist. this votes what needed to get him out of office. >> the state could be a tossup. >> thank you. the biden campaign has canceled multiple events in texas following an incident on an interstate highway. a caravan of vehicles with trump flags inside surrounded a campaign harris bus. welcome back. >> i want to play the candidates talking about the economy. here's a bit from both sides. >> under my plan, if you make less than $400,000, i guarantee you're not going to pay more in taxes but if you make more than that, the wealthiest biggest corporations of 91 fortune 500 companies that pay zero cutbacks, you'll start paying
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your fair share. joe biden will shut down your economy, raise taxes, wants a 4 trillion-dollar tax increase. he's the only politician burglar received who says we will raise your taxes. the former vice president talked about raising taxes, shutting down the economy. the economy is the one thing where the president consistently pulls ahead of him. what do you make of these competing messages and some things that may not be so popular with voters who may come at this moment still be undecided. >> voters were asked on how to better handle the economy and that gap has narrowed between donald trump and joe biden interestingly enough.
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that's been the cornerstone of his argument. he said in the last three years of the biden obama administration they created more private sector jobs in the first three years of the trump administration before the pandemic hit. biden had a good record to run on when it comes to the economy is just getting that message out. to your point, how many of them are out there, i don't know but it's a good argument to be making bread. >> those donors have lined up behind biden. it seems like biden was reporting pretty bullish on biden. >> absolutely because he's got park avenue and not scranton. the reality is, when joe biden says he's not gonna raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000, he's absolutely lying. the corporate tax increase of $1.3 trillion corporate tax increase, the budget office is 25% of the corporate ta tax falls on workers. that means a $1.3 trillion corporate tax is a tax
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increase on working-class families. where's the other 7 trillion coming from. he's going to have to raise taxes and it's not just to be on rich people. $11trillion is not list ceiling, it's the floor. kamala harris proposed $44 trillion. bernie wants a hundred trillion dollars. it will be somewhere between the floor of 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,0. where they can get the money to pay for those things. >> okay, stick around we have to take a quick break. were keeping an eye on the president who is soon to
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the biden campaign has canceled multiple events in texas following an incident on an interstate highway. a caravan of vehicles were surrounded with trump signs and it was around a biden harris campaign bus. we'll talk about that but air force one has touched down just outside miami florida, a critical state. the president took it in 2016. it will be a key prize to tuesday night. there's been a ton of early voting, some worry from democrats down in miami-dade county that they didn't get the turnout they were expecting or hoping to see in advance. the president is down there, this is number five of his rallies today. he ends in florida tonight. let's bring our panel and talk about what he is seeing in these final days. good to have you all back. tom, florida has always been a critical price. what you make of this chatter that we've heard from democrats who are worried
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they're not seeing the turnout they think, or they hope they would get in miami-dade. it is honestly a left-leaning portion of the state, but it's critical, but it tell you much there hasn't been as good of turnout as they had hoped. >> is not a good sign if it's actually what's happening. if they're not getting the turnout they need in miami-dade, that's where they can offset the stuff that's going to come in for trump in the panhandle and other parts of the state. i think florida it's gonna be close, very close undecided, i think we'll know early in which way it's going to go. trump's been struggling with seniors. democrats think they may have a chance they might have a chance to cut into the lead. we'll get some good early keys from miami-dade and i have five corridor to see which way florida is going to be heading.
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>> that runs between tampa and orlando, the midsection of the state. as you mention the panhandle also goes differently and it has that second time zone so there's a lot we don't know when that leg that will also give color of what were seeing out of florida. kevin let's talk about some of the other us states that last time around democrats felt that were maybe ignored, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, that part of the country. listen, we saw numbers out of wisconsin and abc poll putting them up by 17 percentage points. a lot of people think that's an outlier. do you think that they been much more targeted and focused come they're not leaving out any potential state thinking may have it in the bag. >> the model for the biden campaign this cycle is given take nothing for granted to go everywhere, compete everywhere, ask everywhere on the ground for their vote. do not take anything for granted. that's where you saw the former vice president with former president obama yesterday in michigan campaigning. polls in the earlier segment,
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they been remarkably consistent in wisconsin and michigan. the former vice president had led the incumbent president anywhere between seven to nine points on average in those two states. so again that's white so much of a focus on pennsylvania where the polling is a bit closer but again take nothing for granted, that is the biden campaign motto. work as hard as they can in wisconsin, michigan, move those dates back to the blue wall and hold those states as they have been for the last two generations in terms of going blue, and as we note 2016 was an outlier with those three key states that flip to the president. >> again we are watching live as air force one touchdown in the miami area. we are waiting for the president come down those steps, take the stage and his final rally of the night will be in the critical state of florida. mark, let's talk about these states where we are seeing polling in the seven to nine-point range to the benefit of mr. biden. of those lost causes for
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republicans? there outside the margin of error. things are tightening up as we get closer. what you think about the trump campaign making an actual play for some of those states where it doesn't seemed like it's really not a lot. >> they seem they think they've got a chance. they wouldn't be wasting time in the state if they didn't think they would have a chance. the reality is, in terms of working hard, joe biden took monday off last week and he took four days off the week before to prepare for the debate. he'd been running his basement strategy where donald trumps out there doing five rallies a day and he's on his fifth rally today. it's almost midnight and he's starting his campaign rally. i think if donald trump pulls this out and if some of those states turnout to go for donald trump, they're going to be, bit strategy will be looked back on the way hillary clinton is an absolute disaster. if he pulls it out, he's making about basically with donald trump that he makes the
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referendum on donald trump and let him have the stage and people focus on him and decide whether they want him or not. but right now it seems like that's working for trump because trump is beating biden's drum on pennsylvania on ending fracking and he's ahead by seven points in the des moines register poll. they know if you get rid of fracking, that's the end of ethanol so that probably had something to do with that as well. okay, when you keep i take a quick break. the president is due in a
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the president has touchdown for his fifth rally of the day about to take the stage in
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florida near the miami area. he's had rallies in michigan, iowa, north carolina and georgia today. it seems like he is hyped up, ready, the crowd, i think he feeds off of it and enjoys these rallies where many of us, by the fifth rally of the day would be ready, closing in on the east coast. he wants to be out there is much as he can and he's closing days and hours to make his argument to the american people so let's get ready to listen in as he takes the stage there in miami. >> what a crowd. hello florida, hello florida. what a great victory we had and were going to have an even bigger victory, get out there and vote. were going to have a bigger victory. i don't know if you found out you've been here long time, i hope the music was good. i hope life is good, everything's good. that's a good looking crowd. good looking people, i will say.
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were going to have a big victor victory. i don't know if you know what's happening, but. >> we love you, we love you, we love you. >> i don't know if you know what's happening, but they're very worried the democrats about florida. they're very concerned, the votes not there. it's not there for them. they had to get out to that big early lead and it could be that we are leading. that's a little problem. two days from now were going to win my home state of florida. [applause] we are going to win four more years in the white house. [applause]
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with your vote we will continue to cut your taxes, cut regulations, support our great police, support our great military, protect your second amendment, defend religious liberty, and ensure more products are proudly stamped with that wonderful phrase, made in the usa. next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. you see what's happening. you see it happening right before your eyes. under my leadership, our economy is now growing at the fastest rate ever recorded in the history of our country. 33.1%. 33.1%. we created a record 11.4 million jobs in the last five months alone. another record. there's been so many records.
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we have a chance to do something next year even greater than last year. we had it, the best ever and then we got hit by the plague from china and we will never forget it. then were building it up to a level nobody thought possible, leading every nation in the world by far. foreign nations are in a freefall, we are creating it economic powerhouse unrivaled anywhere in the world. nothing and no one in the world is doing what were doing. now, if somebody wants to quadruple your taxes, i can't tell you what's going to happen. i think i can, it's called the depression. a recent gallup poll found that if 56% of americans say they are better off today than they were four years ago under sleepy joe biden and obama. if biden and kamala, most
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liberal member of congress, she look makes bernie look like a conservative, and the radical left in power the economy will collapse in our country will go into a very deep and steep depression. i hate to tell you. look, we won't have to worry about it because i think were going to win. [applause] you know who else thanks we will win, the democrats think we will win. were looking great here, were looking great in pennsylvania, north carolina, iowa, did you see the poll that came out in iowa, the first big pool, were only. [inaudible] were looking very strong in georgia. we just left.
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the great state of georgia, were looking great in georgia. in fact they said sir, you don't have to go to georgia. i said wait a minute, people are waiting for two and half days, i'm not going to cancel in georgia. i've been doing this since early in the morning, only for you. i guess i could've canceled you too, right, but nobody would have the courage to cancel you. i wouldn't even think about it. >> we love you, we love you. >> thank you, and i love you too. i love you too. we are all in this together. as i've said many times, this will never ever ever be a socialist nation.
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[applause] sleepy joe biden will raise your taxes $4 trillion. can you believe it? easel the only candidate i've ever seen who campaign on the fact i will raise your taxes, i will take away your second amendment, we will not frak for two years. then he got pennsylvanian said while i was only kidding. look at all the press at this time. the fake news followed us. they followed us. [applause]
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the only one i've ever seen do that, we don't worry about them, they don't tell the truth anyway so pretend they're not here. they're having a very bad couple of weeks, as you know. they actually had about four years. massively increased regulations, we cut regulations more than any administration in the history of our country and then put them right back. sleepy joe, it won't be him because he has no idea where he is. but he is surrounded by a lot of very far left people. close down your factories, send your jobs overseas, destroy the suburbs. you know, i say, suburban women, please love me, please love me. [applause] because, oh, there's a lot of suburban women. look at this.
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wow. don't forget suburban women, men also, but we don't worry about them. i'm terminating a regulation that has ruined suburbia. you too can have a project next to your house and i've terminated. oh well, is that the first sign of trouble in weeks. >> usa, usa, usa, usa, usa. >> all right, is that okay, is everybody okay over there.
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is that somebody went down or is that somebody that's trouble because if there's trouble we have somebody right over here. i guarantee i've got everything, all right, the one that makes all the noise is our people. someone shouts, they have no voice, their mother is looking for them, their fathers looking for them and they to live in the basement and no one can hear them. just petén the person doesn't exist or get them out police. they want to terminate your religious liberty, outlaw healthcare, take away your guns, your second amendment is under siege, but don't worry as long as i'm here that won't happen. they want to ban fracking, abolish energy, abolish medicare, cut social security
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and allow millions to come into your country and indoctrinate your children with anti- american lives. that's where we are, but it's not going to happen. you're going about and it's not going to happen. we win florida, we win the whole thing. you know that. [applause] our opponent wants to turn america into communist cuba over socialist venezuela and were not going to let that happen. our opponents agenda is a war on workers, a war on faith, and a war on our police. biden says he's running as a proud democrat. i'm running as a proud american. [applause]
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joe biden was sacrificing in endless foreign wars. we became policeman to the worl world. joe biden is a corrupt politician bought and paid for by china and others. in 2016 florida voted to fire this corrupt political
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establishment and you elected an outsider as president who is finally putting america first. if i don't sounds like a typical washington politician, it's because i'm not a politician. probably why we won. if i don't always play by the rules of washington and the washington establishment it's because i was elected to fight for you and i fight harder than anybody in this place except one person perhaps. he's the only one that fights harder. great guy. my opponent is promising a long dark winter. did anybody happen to see the debate? that was my arena. he didn't come out to vote. he came out like your opponents come out.
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that was not good for him. how about the last question? we talked about energy. i would like to transition out of the petroleum. i felt like perry mason. i said whoa. did you tell that to texas or pennsylvania? even kristin welker who frankly did not a bad job considering she is on other side. she said why did you say that? she is trying to save the poor guy. can you believe it? this could only happen to me. this is -- i don't care, i'll say it. this is in the history of presidential politics, this is the worst candidate to ever run. this puts a lot of pressure on me. if you lose to a guy like this.
1:00 am
i would rather have a great candidate. because you feel better. i'm running against the worst i'm running against the worst >> biden has been there for five decades. you'll have a socialist country. >> we could put an end to the presidency that has divided the nation, that has failed to protect the nation. >> next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. >> wall street did not build this country. you did. >> you can send a message on tuesday to the corrupt democrat establishment. >> it's time for donald trump to pack his bags and go home. ♪ dream on, dream on. ♪ dream


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